...Dream to accomplish.

According to the Oxford dictionary: Dream n. a series of pictures or events in a sleeping person's mind; something greatly desired; something unreal or impossible.

We all have our dreams, goals and targets according to our individual differences. Anyone with zeal to fight and struggle for success must undoubtedly have dreams for their future. Dream is sometimes associated with vision.

Your ability to see things differently, things you greatly desire may seem impossible to accomplish but the possibility of trying is limitless.

If everyone agrees with your dream, it's probably a nightmare. And if you have big dreams, don't let the feeling of accomplishment make you settle for less. 

All humans are equal but different in our thoughts, actions, plans, intentions, wisdom to mention but few. 

Sometimes pressure from people you associate with may relinquish a dream just because they do not believe you can accomplish it. And that is why you must be wary of who you pick as advisers. Positive advise always leads to positive results and vice-versa.  

You must be willing to handle stress from opposition whose plans are to short-circuit your vision. A good vision leads to a better future.  

Do not allow discouragement, failure, negative opinion of others lead to the forfeiture of your dream. Once you let the society dictate your dreams, you're in deep trouble

Don't live up to anyone's expectations. Do what is best for you and the people who look up to you.

Share your dreams, certainly not with everyone. Learn to conceal your ideas, plans, target and vision. Guard and protect your dreams, visions and ideas; Guarding is the prevention of an attack even before threat is near while Protecting is the active defence while being attacked.

Sometimes you can't walk alone; use what you have (skills, talents, dreams) for the betterment of others too.

God has blessed us with all that we need to succeed but Satan is the Enemy of all. Unless you put all your trust in God, you will be able to fight all evil forces that are against you. Satan uses people whose advise we value to discourage and distract us from pursuing our dreams. He (satan) is the greatest deceiver, liar and Enemy of progress. 

Fortunately, the power of God is second to none. HE (GOD) is the greatest of all planners, The Creator of all. Only HE (GOD) is indeed the destroyer of all Evil. Only with strong faith, prayer and worship God will help you conquer the Enemy.

We all are created to serve a purpose. But to discover it, you must work hard. Work is a key to maximise your dreams, talents, skills, passion and potential. Dreams don't work unless you do.

Just like smart phones, the manufacturer designed them to serve so many purposes of Internet browsing, gaming, texting, etc. but the most important of all is to make phone calls. Here, the manufacturer had not restricted its usage to phone calls only. Take for instance, we are the smart phones and God is our manufacturer. HE (GOD) created us with so many characteristics, similarities and differences. Once you realise God's purpose for your life, your dreams, goals and targets will never be compromised. 

Those that transform dreams into realities are those that say "I CAN" when others say "you can't". Be willing to die for your dream.

Don't just dream of possibilities, dream to accomplish it!
